Why Tile Floors Are a Good Long-Term Investment With Good Returns

by | Sep 4, 2019 | Business

Homeowners pause when choosing flooring for a remodel or a new build. They’ve heard carpet harbors bad things in its fibers, and hard flooring could hurt the baby or knock the dog’s nails askew. Then there’s cleaning the floors and the resale value of the house to consider. A flooring company in Williams, AZ, knows a few facts about tile flooring, such as being a good investment and the return on that investment at resale.


Carpet is crushed within a short time by traffic and furnishings. Hardwood becomes scratched. Tile retains its color and characteristics despite years of use. Modern tile is made of strong materials that are scratch and impact resistant. A broken tile is easily replaced, whereas carpet or hardwood would have to be completely redone.

Indoor Air Quality

Tile has no fibers in which to trap dust and allergens. Tile is baked in a kiln, which leaves no volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, to irritate the asthmatic or allergy sufferer. The grout can even be VOC-free.

Power Bill

Materials that hold heat, like carpets, make the HVAC system work harder to cool a house. Tile floors don’t hold heat, which keeps the feet cooler in summer and the power bill lower.

Rooms in the Home

Tile is made to resemble natural stone, bricks, hardwood, and dozens of other materials. It’s possible to tile a whole house in different styles. Where texture is important, such as bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, and stairs, homeowners have a choice between tiles that provide a grip. A flooring company in Williams, AZ, uses tiles on walls and backsplashes as well as the hearth. It can be used in patterns or it can be as simple as homeowners wish.

Resale Value

The return on investment of tile floors is generally accepted to be 70 percent. This is good in perpetually warm areas where wood flooring could warp from the humidity.

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